To My Fellow Winter Strugglers!

While I LOVED growing up in Colorado, I think sometimes all those sunny days ruined me for life. At the very least, it makes these long, cloudy, Midwest winters a little tough…okay really tough. And it messes with my head! Here’s a little taste of what I mean…

After three sunny days in a row (a rarity in these parts) my thinking goes something like this…

“I just love being a stay-at-home mom, these four children are such a sweet blessing! I just want to hug them, and kiss them, and love them, forever!”

And then after three cloudy days in a row my thinking changes to something like this…

“GET ME OUT OF THIS HOUSE! What in the world were we thinking…FOUR children?!? And if even one of those children tries to touch me again, my touch receptors are going to explode!”

Hmm, so you get the idea…winter is a strrrrruggle over here.

So when I read Psalms 19 this last week, it kinda felt like the Lord was shooting up flares, “Hey Candace, pay attention to this!”

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1-2)

psalm 19

Hmm, so while I am sitting around complaining about clouds in the sky, those very skies are declaring God’s Greatness!

And then verses 4-5 say,

“In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes it circuit to the other…”

There are no accidents here, God is the one who set the sun in its place and planned its course. Hasn’t He done the same for us, the crown of His creation?

The truth is that He has set me here and He has set my course.

He knows its winter here for me…on more than one level.

…And yet He hasn’t just changed the season over night for me.

Why Not?

I know that God can move mountains, calm storms, and bring the dead to life. Therefore, He is CERTAINLY able to provide an early spring and a few more sunny days!

So, what’s with this long, cold, dark, winter season?

Then, I was reminded of something I read a few weeks ago… (Nerd Alert-it’s about trees, I’m a huge lover of trees)

I read that, “A typical pattern for tree growth is for most the foliage growth to occur in the spring, following by trunk growth in the summer, and then root growth in the fall and winter.       (click here to read more super cool tree facts)


While a tree grows all year long, it’s most important growth comes in the fall and winter when it’s living in its most difficult conditions.

I LOVE when God uses the physical world to help me understand the spiritual world.

…so when I think about growth in that way, I’m pretty sure that while I’ve been asking God to change my external conditions, so that I will be happy. God is more concerned about changing my internal condition, so that I will be holy.


A.K.A. Duh Candace

A.K.A. My most important growth comes when life is not easy and I have to rely on God.

I know. That’s not some crazy epiphany. But nonetheless, sometimes that truth is hard to swallow.

But when I really think about it, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I wouldn’t trade 1,000 sunny days for the growth the Lord has done in my life during the winter.

So, my fellow winter strugglers! May we take a cue from the heavens and declare God’s Greatness and Graciousness! May we fix our eyes not on what is seen (piles of dirty snow), but what is unseen (Jesus teaching us to rely on Him when conditions are tough)! Because what is seen is just temporary (that snow will eventually melt) but what is unseen is eternal (growth on the root level)!

And may we not forget that God has greater things in mind for us than merely sun and warmth! Although let’s be honest, you will never catch me complaining about a surprise 60 degree day in February!

(all pictures created @

My Kids New Favorite Dessert…and now mine too

We’ve never been a dessert every night kind of a family…but that may have just changed.

Just when I thought I had gleaned all I could from Daniel Tiger, he surprised us with our new favorite dessert…


It’s cheap, it’s healthy, it’s yummy, and my kids can help make it! What more can I ask for?

Here is the ingredient list, are you ready? Do you have paper and a pen? Okay…

– Two bananas


I know. I know. This is pretty much all you need…

banana (2)

One frozen banana, One room temperature banana, and a food processor.

Now how to make it… (I added pictures because it’s so complicated…NOT!)

First, unpeel a banana and stick it in the freezer. (If you are like me, you already have a half dozen frozen bananas in the freezer).

Once you have a frozen banana, you (or your kids) set it inside the food processor.


Then you take the non-frozen banana (have your kiddo peel it and break it in half) and stick it in the food processor.


Then have your kids push the button.


I let the kiddos blend it for about 30 seconds. Then they do the, “Banana Swirl Dance” while I finish the last 3o seconds. (clearly their dancing is so intense, my camera can’t handle it)


And then out comes this awesomeness…


It’s JUST that easy. No joke people, I can almost guarantee that if you give 10 out of 10 people this dessert in a blind taste test, they would say it was ice cream.

My Hubs and I are still amazed every. single. time. that we make it…it’s literally just two bananas.

We watched this short video of Daniel Tiger making it first, so then my kids were realllllly excited. Click HERE to watch the video.

Enjoy the goodness!

Am I a Woman of The Word?

It seems to me, that most Christians find that either studying the Bible OR praying comes easier…while the other one takes a little more work.

For most of my life, I would have said that studying the Bible came much easier for me.


After I became a Christian in high school, I LOVED reading my Bible. My sister would bring some basic Bible studies home when she would return from college and I would quickly go through each one. I couldn’t stop at just one reading a day, I would always read several because I just couldn’t get enough.

I memorized the first chapter of James in a few weeks and then moved on to part of Colossians. I loved God’s Word.

Then, I went to a Christian college and thoroughly enjoyed my Old and New Testament classes. I even decided to add a women’s ministry minor onto the already required Bible minor, because I just loved my Bible classes!

In 3 out of the 4 summers in college, I worked at a Christian camp. During camp I was constantly in the Word. Besides having daily Bible reading with our junior high and senior high campers, my campers questions were enough for me to keep my nose in the Scriptures, searching for answers.

After college, my husband and I went to China and taught English to junior high and high school students. We were able to study the Bible with some of our students after school, as well as, new believers who were attending house churches and wanted to study the Bible more. New believers ask THE BEST questions, so again, we were constantly in the Word.

It’s not that I didn’t pray during those years, but it was always harder for me.

And then something strange happened.

I had a baby.

And almost overnight, something switched. All of the sudden, it was prayer that came easier for me and Bible study that became more difficult.

Maybe it was the sheer terror after my mom returned home, and I was left with this small one, in which I had no clue what I was doing.

Maybe it was because feeding a baby 4 to 5 times a night, left a lot of time for prayer.

Maybe it was because I almost always fell asleep trying to read my Bible, in those first few months years.

Maybe it was because prayer seemed easier to do, “on the go” rather than having to block out a chunk of time.

But whatever the reason, I didn’t fight it too hard, and I became a praying wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend.

And that is great. I thank the Lord that He has grown me in that area.

However, without even really realizing it, I got into a routine of just resting on the verses and passages that I had studied in the past, rather than continually studying God’s Word in the present.

Now that residency is over and we are out of survival mode, life has become more quiet, it has slowed down, and what was hidden in the busyness has become quite obvious…

I’ve neglected God’s Word for a few years, and now it feels like I’m trying to draw from a storehouse that has slowly been emptied.

It’s not that I haven’t been involved in Bible studies, because I have. But more times than not, I’ve been simply rushing the morning of, trying to fill in blank spaces. …OR spending a super fast 5 minutes (out of my 1,440 in a day), not really engaging the text or letting it change me.

So, to answer my own question, “No, right now I am not a woman of The Word.”

Just because I once was, doesn’t mean I am now.

BUT my friends, there is hope! Just like a friend of mine posted on FB last year, and I’ve never forgotten…

“You don’t need to wait for a new year to make changes in your life, you just need a Monday!”

Soooooo, I am going to study the Psalms this year and I ordered this book today via Amazon Prime (of course), to be my companion. I’m a big Tim Keller fan and love his insights. This book also spends a lot of time learning how to pray through the Psalms. (maybe I can find some balance between Bible study and prayer!)



So, anybody else been resting on the loins of Bible study they have done in the past and not really doing anything today? Want to join me? Let me know, and we can go through it together!

The Funniest Thing I Read in 2015 (a repost)

People, I LOVE to laugh. Who doesn’t? So, when I read something on my news feed a few months ago, and I literally shook the bed laughing for five minutes straight. Obviously, I wanted to share it with everyone.

But I didn’t. Mostly because there were one or two sentences that had some bad language and I thought. “Eh, maybe I won’t share that.”

However, I saved the link on my Facebook page, and no joke, I have read it several times a week since November because

Sooooo, I’m reposting here a selection of the funniest (and cleanest) stories.

Prepare yourself for busting out your ugly face laugh.

“Ugly face laugh?” you ask.

Oh yeah, that’s a thing. I know this because my mom, sister, and I laughed so hard at these stories, that my face contorted into something quite trollish.

First, if you want to  read the original BuzzFeed post, click HERE

OTHERWISE, read on!

funniest read

Let me give you the background real quick. Jenny Lawson, (The Bloggess) is a blogger, author, and has a ton of Twitter followers.

Back in November, she tweeted this embarrassing moment…

TheBloggess @TheBloggess

Airport cashier: “Have a safe flight.” Me: “You too!” I CAN NEVER COME HERE AGAIN.

And then her Twitter followers began to tweet their own embarrassing moments and she retweeted them…and WOW, they are so funny and yes, so embarrassing.

So Here ya go…

Glenna Ranieri @glenha

@TheBloggess nanny job interview, told job would involve light housekeeping replied “I’ve never kept a Lighthouse before but willing to try”


John J. McKay @archymck

@TheBloggess On a trip, saw some baby horses, could not think of the word foal, finally shouted “horse kittens” and pointed. Wife understood


Jessica White @JE551CAw

@TheBloggess We have a Texas sage plant that flowers before rain. When asked if it would rain today I said “Not according to my bush.”


_Schmitts Giggles @schmittsgiggles

@TheBloggess bought Preparation H for under eye bags. Told the clerk she didn’t need to bag it because I was going to use it in the car.


Lindsay @crashkrispy

@TheBloggess an elderly man presented his discount card to me and i said “you’re getting ready to expire!” I could not recover.


_Noah Vail @noahvail

@TheBloggess After flunking a job interview, got up, shook everyone’s hands, and walked into the coat closet.


Amanda @parentlikeadad

@TheBloggess Got into the passenger seat of the wrong car outside of starbucks. The driver waited until I finished my phone call to tell me.


— hmiller (@wafflesnbacon)

@TheBloggess pre pap test friend sprayed perfume on her lady garden. Doc says “that’s. ..festive.” It was her daughter’s glitter spray


MJ @Morticat

@TheBloggess I took a call at work & tried to transfer it. I was the only person there. I pretended to be someone else w/ a British accent.


Kelly B @GotCookies

@TheBloggess A friend went placed her order at drivethru. She then heard “Could you drive up to the speaker you’re talking to the trash can”


Bonnie Beyea @SkimbleCat

@TheBloggess Pulled in to gas station & was on wrong side of the pump for my gas cap. Drove around to other side & did it again. Drove away


tanya phillips @tanyaphillips18

@TheBloggess noticed the blind man approaching me wasn’t sure where I was so called out ‘on your right’, I was on his left. He corrected me.


_You Know Who @mental_nigella_

@TheBloggess I apologised to a woman I nearly bumped into in a record store. It was my reflection in the window. I just dyed my hair blonde


hkell @hkell

@TheBloggess Walked up to a baby-holding stranger (thinking it was my sister) at my daughter’s soccer game and said “Give me the baby.”


Jen @ItsThatJenGirl

@TheBloggess Told a one armed man to tell his mother the flowers I just put together for her cost him an arm and a leg.


Angela Bassa @angebassa

@TheBloggess I texted my boss at the end of my FIRST DAY in the new job with: “Heading out. Love you.” intended for my boyfriend.


@TheBloggesssent the following text (about my Hispanic landlord) to NOT my roommate:”Jesus is coming at 10am. Be awake and have clothes on”


If that didn’t make you laugh, nothing will! Hope you enjoyed and HAPPY MONDAY!


Resolutions, Work, Sin, and the Gospel


Ugh. January. It’s supposed to be a month of hope for a new year, a fresh start, and resolutions.

But not so much for me.

I’m a solid mid-February resolution kinda gal.

That is…if you can call the loose ideas of what I’d like to see happen in the newish year a “resolution.” Clearly, I’m not very “resolute” about it.

So, when My Hubs asked me last week if I wanted to go out to dinner after we put the kids down and discuss our New Year’s resolutions, I said,

“Sure, that sounds great!”

…and then immediately thought,

Well the dinner and hanging out sounds great, but I guess that means I need to try and come up with some ideas for resolutions, so I can contribute something to the conversation.”

We put the kids down for the night and headed out. On the car ride over, I tried my hardest to come up with some ideas for resolutions, but when we arrived at the restaurant, I still had nothin’.

My dear, sweet husband, on the other hand, had 5 different categories and then subcategories for each category.


This is one of the many reasons that we are a good fit. We balance each other.

And by “balance each other” I mean that he is awesome and once in a while some of his awesomeness rubs off on me.

Unfortunately that night, the awesomeness clung to him like my winter staticky hair, so all I could do was piggy back off some of his thoughtful resolutions. …and at least the food was good.

So this last week, I’ve been thinking about why I have been completely unmotivated to come up with any goals or resolutions for this year (even more than normal).

And after thinking about it for a few days, I think I know why.

I think the reason is that to come up with resolutions and then to actually follow through with them, sounds like a lot of work. And honestly, I haven’t been exactly thrilled with the work that is sitting in front of me, so why would I make a bunch of resolutions just to make more work for myself?

Maybe it’s the winter blah’s and that we are stuck inside most days, maybe it’s the age of my kiddos, or this long transition we are in, maybe it’s just my sinful heart, but whatever the reason…work is really HARD right now.

For me, right now some of the work that is hard is making dinner, cleaning the bathroom, putting away clothes, picking up toys, cleaning the disgusting high chair, LOTS of discipline followed by long talks with the kiddos, keeping the baby from eating paper, keeping the middle two from killing each other, (did I mention LOTS of discipline?) helping the oldest with homework, and it goes on and on…

So, this last week I was reading in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, which talks about how everything has a season and there is a time for everything under the sun, and then the verses that followed stuck out to me.

Ecclesiastes 3:9-14,

What gain has the worker from his toil? I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has put eternity into man’s heart, yet man cannot fathom what God has done from the beginning to the end.  I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live;  that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.”

As I read these verses a few parts popped out at me concerning work (I accidentally typed “pooped out” at me, Oh yeah, I’m struggling with changing stinky diapers all day too!)

God designed us to work, it was always part of the plan

Sometimes, I act like the reason we have work is that we live in a broken, sinful world. But that’s not true. Work has always been a part of God’s design for us. We know that God himself worked. He created the world, then created us in His image, so it makes sense that we work as well. We also know that Adam was given work in the garden before sin entered the world. And here in Ecclesiastes 3:10 right after Solomon asks, “What good is all this hard work gaining for us?” then his next sentence he writes, “I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.” He says, that is it God who has given us this work.

God means to give us meaning and satisfaction in our work

Verse 11 says, that God has “put eternity into man’s heart.” God created in us a desire for meaning, for purpose, and for eternal things beyond the natural world in front of us. I know that I can only find that meaning and satisfaction in a relationship with God through Christ. But in that relationship, God has also given me certain work to do.

For example…

Go and make disciples (Matthew 28: 19)

-He said we are God’s workmanship created in Christ to do good works (Eph. 2:10)

-He has called us to live a Holy Life” and “give all glory to God” (2 Timothy 1:9 and 1 Cor.10:31)

These are verbs here! Although our actions and works don’t save us (Jesus’ work on the cross did that), we weren’t meant to just sit around the rest of lives either!

God’s wants us to be a part of the global work He is doing…

I want to be a part of God’s big story of redemption. But sometimes it’s hard to see how my work has anything to do with that work! The last part of verse 11 says, that we can’t even fathom all the work that God has done or is doing from the beginning to the end. Basically, He is God, Knower of all things, and I am…well, I’m not. So, even though I can’t always see how the work God has given me, will have much effect on eternity. I can trust that HE knows.


I really struggled this last week thinking through the work stuff…and still doing the work! And I came to realize that “work” wasn’t really the issue. As I thought through the reasons WHY I wasn’t happy with the work God has given me, my sinful heart became so evident.

My selfishness – I don’t really want to do work for others all the time

My pride – Surely, I can come up with better work than this.

My idolatry – I basically want to be my own god. I want to decide what work I should do, when I do it, and how it gets done.

Sometimes, I seem so hopeless. But the more I was broken by my sin, the more I was thankful for the gift of the gospel…and specifically God’s mercy towards us. Then I just “happened”  to read these thoughts by Paul Tripp this morning…

“When I come to the Lord after I’ve blown it, I’ve only one argument to make. It’s not the argument of the difficulty of the environment that I am in. It’s not the argument of the difficult people that I’m near. It’s not the argument of good intentions that were thwarted in some way.

I come to the Lord with only one appeal; his mercy. I’ve no other defense. I’ve no other standing. I’ve no other hope. I can’t escape the reality of my biggest problem; me! So I appeal to the one thing in my life that’s sure and will never fail. I appeal to the one thing that guaranteed not only my acceptance with God, but the hope of new beginnings and fresh starts. I appeal on the basis of the greatest gift I ever have or ever will be given.

I leave the courtroom of my own defense, I come out of hiding and I admit who I am. But I’m not afraid, because I’ve been personally and eternally blessed. Because of what Jesus has done, God looks on me with mercy. It’s my only appeal, it’s the source of my hope, it’s my life. Mercy, mercy me!  ~Whiter Than Snow: Meditations on Sin and Mercy

Oh what a sweet and precious reminder of what the gospel is to those who believe!

Whether we are struggling with work, or discontentment, or jealousy, or pride, or lust, or lying, we can meet Him at his throne, ask for forgiveness, and rest in his mercy because of the work of our Savior, Jesus.

7 Reasons why it’s healthy for married couples to have other couple friends

I always say that My Hubs and I are better together. We are more fun together, wittier together, smarter together, more energetic together, pretty much everything is better…together. There is no better way to experience this “betterness” than by hanging out with other couple friends who are also better…together. (I think that I’m bordering obnoxious with the amount of times I just used the words “better” and “together” but I think you get my point).

And what’s even better than having couple friends?

Having GOOD couple friends!

These are not the people you just say “hi” to at your kid’s soccer games or “like” their Facebook statuses.

No, these are the couples who have beheld each other’s ugly laughs and ugly cries. Who have seen each other’s ratty old pajama pants too many times to count. The couples who remember each other’s favorite pizza toppings and weird quirks, and love each other anyway. The ones who have seen your house get hit by a tornado, or um, it just looked that way on the inside. The friends who will drive all day just to see each other for a few hours. The ones who share group texts of dorky pictures of each other, witty humor, and openly make fun of each other.

These good couple friends are sweet and important and will help your marriage in almost too many way to count.

But I did count.

And I picked 7 to share. So without further ado…


1) Good couple friends will be straight with you

Let’s be honest, sometimes in life we (as individuals AND as couples) can be ridiculous. We get absurd ideas in our heads, we get mad about the dumbest things, we can’t see the forest for the trees…and in those times, we need people who will be honest and real with us.

Once, I was telling our best couple friends about an argument that My Hubs and I had early on in our marriage and they both looked at me and said, “Wow, you were being ridiculous.” And they were right. Once in a while we need someone other than our spouse to tell us what’s really up.

2) Good couple friends help you to see different ways to do things

Watching how your good couple friends, do their date nights, or raise their kids, or navigate disagreements, can be really good for your marriage. You may see things that you want to imitate or it may reinforce the reasons that you and your spouse do things the way you do. Either way, it’s helpful to watch people you love and respect doing every day life together. Then discussing what may or may not work for your marriage and family.

3) Good couple friends help you and your spouse invest time in something together, apart from your kids

Unfortunately, we’ve all seen it…the married couple that poured all their time and energy into their kids for years and years and then when the kids left the house, the couple looked at each other and were complete strangers. …and strangers that didn’t even particularly like each other.

It’s important to take time as a married couple to invest in activities that don’t revolve around our kids. My Hubs isn’t a huge talker, so sitting for hours in conversation kinda makes him want to gouge his eyes out. So for us, we usually talk WHILE we do activities together…we play games, we play Frisbee golf, and we hang out with couple friends.

At this point in our life, (four little ones at home) some of the best times for us to hang out with our friends, are after our kids go to bed. Yes, that means that often we get less sleep ourselves, but it’s totally worth it in order to spend some uninterrupted time with each other and our friends.

4) Good couple friends help you love your spouse even more

Whenever we leave our best couple friends, I think, “Man, I love My Hubs.” Maybe it’s because when we are with our friends we are so hilarious, maybe it’s because sometimes stories come up in a group that I didn’t get to hear him share before, maybe it’s because our couple friends think my husband is so great and then I’m reminded of it too. Whatever it is, we have found that good couple friends build up and encourage each other’s marriages just by being together.

5) Good couple friends talk about everything

When you have good couple friends, conversation flows easily. You can talk about NBA scores, deepest fears, hilarious parenting fails, theological differences, and weird work stories, all within a few minutes. When you have a safe place to share, hardly anything is off limits. One of our favorite conversations with couple friends is dreaming together about what the future could hold. We all know each other well, we know each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and gifts, and it’s fun to imagine what the future may hold.

6) Sharing life with good couple friends shows your kids what healthy friendships look like

I have fond childhood memories of my parents hanging out with their best couple friends. They would talk at the dinner table (FOR-EV-ER) while the kids would finish eating and play games in the other room. Sometimes, my parent’s friends would share hilarious stories about our parents that we had never heard.…which was awesome. But mostly I remember them laughing a lot.

I want our kids to see us with our friends. I want them to see us laughing, sharing struggles, and praying together. I want them to see us bringing our friends meals, watching their kids, and helping them move furniture. Basically, I want our kids to see what a healthy friendship looks like as adults.

7) Good Couple friends will help you laugh and sit with you when you cry

If you have good couple friends for any good length of time, you will see each other through both the joys and struggles of life…the promotions, the births, the graduations, as well as, the miscarriages, the job losses, the health issues. And when you are there, in the good or bad, it is so awesome to have good couple friends (that love you both), to go through it together.


Just like My Hubs and I are better together, so are My Hubs and I, PLUS our good couple friends. They keep us connected and grounded, encourage us in our faith and marriage, as well as keep us accountable to each other.

If you have good couple friends, then thank the Lord, treat them well, and tell them you are thankful for them! If you do not, may I recommend two things?

1) Ask God for some good couple friends. God cares about the stuff you care about, so talk to Him about it.

2) Go “date” other couples. Ask them over for dinner. Ask them to go bowling. (Don’t get me started on how much I love bowling. It encompasses the perfect social interaction, everyone can talk, but also has an activity to focus on. My Hubs and I took a bowling class together in college and it might be the reason why we are married today. A possible over-exaggeration there, but you get it)

And make sure to give the other couple more than one chance. After all, you didn’t decide to marry your spouse after just one date. So don’t decide on another couple after one interaction. A few years ago, after having dinner with a couple one night, we found out much later, that they had decided we would probably NOT be friends because My Hubs didn’t talk enough. Ha! Well we DID end up being great friends and hung out a ton for the year we lived close, and it’s a good thing they didn’t shut us out after that first awkward “date.”

Don’t miss out on the amazing benefits that good couple friends will bring to your marriage, call up a couple this week and invite them over for dinner!

Not Your Typical Giveaway

Well, it’s official. 

I’m a Chex-mix-aholic.   

I think this here is my 5th doubled batch. …however, I can’t be sure because the pure awesomeness that’s currently crunching in my mouth, has muddled my thinking. 

A little with breakfast? Don’t mind if I do.

A small bowl with my mid-morning coffee? Well of course. 

A handful every.single.time. I walk by the bowl, um yes. 

This happens ALL day long. 

And everything has begun to centralize around the Chex-mix bowl… 

“Honey, have you seen Samantha? Oh never mind, she’s over by the Chex-mix bowl.”

“What are we having for dinner tonight? Oh, I haven’t really given it much thought because I’ve been stuffing myself silly with Chex-mix the entire day.”

It’s. That. Bad.  

Because It’s. That. Good. 

Nectar of the gods..pshhh. It’s got nothin’ on this Chex-mix. 

Perhaps all of this, is the reason My Hubs insists I don’t make my first batch until after Thanksgiving and that I stop after New Years.

In Yoda’s words, 

“Married wise, have I.”

Now, about this giveaway…this is actually going to be kinda hard for me, because every single year, I have great intentions to pack up a few Christmas tins of Chex-mix and share it with our neighbors. 

But in reality, my husband discovers me standing alone in a dark closet, with chipmunk cheeks, in order to avoid sharing the last few crumbs with my very. own. children. Let alone my neighbors. 

BUT I’m hoping year 32 of my life will be different. SO I’m going to give away a classy tin of my very own Chex-mix, as well as, the secret family recipe that I have perfected over the years. 

Whaaaaat? I know. What is this madness?

So if interested in becoming a snack addict, you may enter by leaving a comment answering the following…

Do you have a favorite holiday FOOD tradition? If so, what is it?

Good luck friends. I will announce the winner on Sunday night.

Spoon Feeding vs Baby Led Weaning – The Pros and Cons

First, I want to say something straight out of the gate, if I’ve learned anything in the last 5.5 years as a parent, it’s that every family is different and every child is different. Therefore, there are no ideologies, tips, or methods that will work for everyone.

That being said, let me tell you what this post is and what it is not

This post IS NOT…
-A mom telling you that you are doing this parenting thing wrong.
-A mom telling you that there’s only one way to feed your baby.

This post IS…
-A mom who wants to share what she has learned from using different methods to feed her babies.
-A mom who wants to give the good, the bad, and the messy, so that YOU can decide what might work the best for your baby and your family.

Now, I am by NO MEANS an expert on babies or nutrition. Again, I’m just a mom with four little ones who has somehow managed to keep each of them alive and fed and have learned a few things along the way.

Before we go on, let’s define our terms just in case you aren’t familiar with both methods that I’m going to be comparing…

Spoon Feeding – feeding your baby pureed or slightly lumpy food with a spoon. (Baby learns to swallow first and chew later).

Baby Led Weaning – placing finger foods in front of your baby, so that your baby can feed himself or herself. (Baby learns to gum/chew first and swallow later).

Got it?

Alright, so some quick back story on how I’ve used both methods. Five years ago, when it was time for my firstborn to start solid foods, I didn’t really know what to do. My mom told me to start with rice cereal, so I scampered off (I had more energy back then) to the grocery store and spent 45 minutes in the cereal aisle looking for it.

After becoming annoyed and frustrated because I couldn’t find it, I finally settled for Rice Krispies…because at least it had “rice” in its name (clearly, most of you are already light years ahead of where I was). So I brought home my box of Rice Krispies and I remembered that a friend had told me that she put some rice cereal in a bottle before her baby’s bedtime so he would sleep longer. More sleep? Yes, please. So I went in the kitchen and smashed up the Rice Krispies with the bottom of a soup can and put them in a bottle with breast milk. It seemed a little thick to me, so I left it to sit for a while to soften up.

News Flash:

Rice Krispies will never soften enough to slide through the tiny holes in a bottle. Not going to happen. Thankfully! …Otherwise, my son would have been sucking down Rice Krispies for who knows how long!

After, I told my sisters and my mom about my frustrations, (and after they finished laughing really loudly, for I think, a little too long), they set me straight.

Once I bought the real deal, my son took to eating from a spoon almost immediately. He loved almost every puree that I gave him. My husband was a full time student at the time, so we were on WIC (Women, Infants, and Children – and thank the Lord for WIC!) and received supplemental groceries like bread, milk, fruit, and veggies…and jars of baby food!


My son was doing great until I tried to introduce to him ANYTHING that wasn’t completely pureed. If there was one single lump in his food he would throw up his entire meal.

This happened for months. The doctor told me that some kids just have extremely sensitive gag reflexes and that he would eventually learn to chew and swallow actual, solid, non-liquid, food. Meanwhile, he began to lose weight and went from a chunkster to nearly sliding off the growth chart entirely.

He did eventually learn to chew and swallow and is now a healthy kid, but I wish I would have known back then about Baby Led Weaning. I think it really would have helped him.

Then, when my next kiddo came along, I was incredibly nervous it was going to happen again. Well, this kiddo loved ALL things food…



Thankfully we had no problems at all. However, we were no longer on WIC and I realized how expensive baby food cost and I really really hated making it. Again, I wish I would have known about Baby Led Weaning.

Then, when my third kiddo was about 4 months old, I had a friend tell me all about it. Although I was a bit skeptical (partly because I’m not super fond of the name) I figured, “Hey, I’ve spent a combined year sitting here, feeding my two kids with a spoon, meanwhile letting my meals get cold. If the third one can feed herself, while I feed myself, it’s worth a try!”

So, we tried it. We started with steamed broccoli and carrots sticks, then some sweet potatoes, avocado, and bananas, all in big pieces that her little hands could pick up. It’s surprising what a little mouth without teeth can gum! At first, I was a little nervous about her choking on all this ginormous food, but I learned that gagging and choking are two different things, and how rare it is that kids have a serious choking incident.

And now you ask, “So how did Baby Led Weaning compare? Was it the answer to all your complaints about feeding your kiddos?” Well, not at first, because although she didn’t choke, she didn’t eat either.

Actually, she threw most of the food on the floor and made a stinkin’ huge mess.

BUT after about 6 weeks, (I remember the day perfectly) I gave her some food, walked back into the kitchen to grab her cup, came back, and her food was gone. I searched under the high chair, in her bib, under her bottom, (it’s amazing where she could stash food) and it was gone. She ate it! That day, she just “got it” and from then on it was easy as pie. She was eating family dinners (like lasagna) with us by nine months and overall I really liked it because it felt like so much less work for me on the front end.

Now, I say, “overall” because there are definitely some drawbacks…like the mess. Oh the mess. There were times when I found myself literally paralyzed when seeing my daughter and the five foot radius surrounding her chair that looked like an atomic bomb of spaghetti had gone off…and that the bomb had left no one sitting at our table unscathed.

(Believe it or not, this was half-way through the clean up process)
Luckily, in those times, my husband would shake me from my paralytic state and say,

“Um, I guess we should just take her and hose her off…err, I mean the high chair, and stick her in the bath immediately.” Which we did, turning the bath water immediately to a pale red.

All that to say, there are pros and cons to both Spoon Feeding and Baby Led Weaning. I tried to break these down for you to help you decide what might be a good fit for your family. So, without further ado…

Pros of Spoon Feeding:

-It’s relatively Clean

-Generally, babies learn how to eat this way quicker

-Meal times don’t take as long

-It’s convenient when you are out and about

-You know exactly how much your baby has eaten

Cons of Spoon Feeding:

It can be expensive if you are buying jars of baby food

-It takes extra time if you are making your baby food

-Your food gets cold, while feeding the baby (or separate meal times)

-If you run out of pureed food and don’t have immediate access to more, you might be stuck

-It’s easy to overfeed your baby

Pros of Baby Led Weaning

-It’s cheaper if the baby eats what the rest of the family eats

-Mom and Dad actually get to sit and eat their food (meal times together)

-Your baby becomes an independent eater, sooner

-Your baby controls how much he/she eats

-Your baby may actually wean himself/herself once he/she is eating a good amount of food

-You can do other things while the baby is eating (but staying in the room, consistently keeping an eye on your baby)

Cons of Baby Led Weaning

-It is messy

-It takes a while for a baby to learn

-The actual time it takes your baby to eat a meal takes longer than spoon feeding

-You aren’t always sure how much your baby is eating

-Some food goes to waste until they learn how to eat (unless you are willing to eat a half-chewed slobbery pieces of food)

Here’s a side by side comparison I put together…


Honestly, both methods work really well. It’s usually just a matter of your lifestyle, your personal preferences, and your baby!

For example, you may want to Spoon Feed IF…

-You are super busy and on the go a lot

-Both couples work or you are a single parent and therefore your kiddo is with a family member, friend, or in daycare.

-Cooking is not your thing and therefore it’s easier for you to grab some jars from the store

-For whatever reason, you don’t want your baby to eat what you eat

-You are a clean freak and the idea of a super messy baby and high chair makes you cringe

-You have already done Spoon Feeding with another kiddo, you have no problems with it, and therefore you see no need to change

On the other hand, you may want to use the Baby Led Weaning method IF…

-You sit down and eat meals regularly as a family

-You have multiple kids vying for your attention and sitting down to feed the baby stresses you out

-Your baby absolutely refuses to be fed by a spoon and you ask yourself, “Am I going to be buying formula or breastfeeding until he is seven?”

-You are on a tight budget and you don’t have the money to buy jars of food, but you also loath taking the time to make separate meals for just one family member.

Again, these are just examples. I don’t know your situation, your kids, your preferences, so all of this, is just meant to be helpful, not make you feel guilty for doing one or the other.

No guilt here people!

Last, I want to mention that a COMBO of the two methods is possible! However, for me and many of my friends, we have found that once our kiddos started to feed themselves independently, they tended to like it, and therefore refused to be spoon fed.

I’m currently trying to do a combination of the two with my fourth babe (who hates all food). I try to get a few spoonfuls in his mouth and then after that I give him some of whatever we are eating so he can try and feed himself throw it on the ground (yes, we are in that stage).


Since, I didn’t go into much detail on Baby Led Weaning (if you are interested) I included a helpful link HERE on how to get started and general principles. Also, feel free to ask me any questions.

Our Loooooong Transition

Some of you might remember last May or June when I told everyone and posted on Facebook (which makes it ultra-official, right?) that we were moving to Columbus, Ohio in July. Then, the last few months I’ve posted pictures like this…


And this…


And you thought, “Hmm, I guess I haven’t been to Columbus in a while, but that sure doesn’t look like Columbus.” Well you are right. We aren’t in Columbus…yet. In fact, we are in a long transitional period. If you have a few minutes, I will back up a little and tell you about it. Oh you do? Great!

Back in January or February (who can remember these things exactly?) I began to read a book called, “Anything” by Jennie Allen. The book basically shares her family’s story of surrender and how God used their prayer of “Anything God!” to flip their lives upside down.

It was quite timely, I knew big changes were coming up and I had no idea what those changes were going to look like for our family. My Hubs was just a few months away from finishing residency and had begun looking into jobs. We didn’t know if that job would be going overseas, staying in Tulsa, moving back to Ohio closer to family, or something entirely different.

So, I began to pray, “Anything, God! We want, what You want!” I was totally honest with Him. I told Him the things I was scared to do and why. I told Him what I wanted to do and why.

Then one night, in our backyard, sitting around a fire (because that’s where pretty much all of our best conversations happen), My Hubs told me about how one particular job kept coming to his mind again and again.

It was a clinic where he had completed a short rotation back in December of last year. The clinic is in the heart of the poorest neighborhood in its county, and its mission is to, “minister the love of Christ as a full-service medical home, focused on whole person wellness, available to all regardless of ability to pay.” So, basically its this sweet medical clinic, run by people who love and need Jesus, serving a ton of poor people, who also really need Jesus…in the ghetto.

So he tells me this, and I’m going to be really honest here…

My first thought was, “Awesome. Close to family!”

My second thought was, “We can live in a nice suburb, outside town, and he can commute.”

Because the fact is, we’ve NEVER lived in a nice area. Our first apartment complex was suuuuper cheap…for good reason (rats in the laundry room basement, among other things). The house we rented right after that, was suuuuper cheap, because the neighborhood was literally on the wrong side of the tracks, in another poor neighborhood (quite poor, for example, all our neighbors shared one vacuum). Then we moved to Tulsa, and found a wonderful, cute, perfect home for us…in another poor neighborhood.

And honestly…I just kinda wanted to be over that phase of our life.

I just wanted to live in a “nice” neighborhood, where my neighbors had jobs and went to work. Where I could walk my double stroller around without carrying pepper spray to ward off the 20 stray dogs, and without avoiding the “homeless highway” which was 25 yards behind our backyard. (can’t you feel the love and compassion for the poor that was just effortlessly flowing out of me?)

Plus, my oldest was going to start kindergarten, so in my head, we needed to move to a good school district. And since I hadn’t been super steller at reaching our poor neighbors in the past, surely I’d be better at sharing Jesus with people in a “nice” neighborhood. Right?

All the sudden, I found myself taking back my prayer of “Anything God!” and amending it to, “Anything, but this, this, and this.”

Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to live in a nice neighborhood, and there’s nothing wrong with living in a nice neighborhood.

But when I started making demands and exceptions to what I would and wouldn’t do while following Jesus, there was a problem.

Because the Bible doesn’t say, “Love the Lord your God with half your heart, mind, and soul, and love whatever you want with the other half.”


It doesn’t say, “In some of your ways, acknowledge Him, and then you can direct your own path.”

No, God wants us, “All in.”

So, what did I do? As a mature, adult woman, I stopped praying altogether for a couple weeks. I thought that maybe I could just ignore the whole thing.

But after being pretty miserable, I began to pray again. This time saying, “Lord, right now I am clearly, not willing to do ANYTHING. So, please help me be willing! Change my heart!

And you know what? Something crazy happened.

No, the Lord didn’t tie my hands behind my back, threaten me with the most terrible thing I can think of happening, if I didn’t go happily wherever he wanted me to go.

No, He actually was really gentle. He began bringing specific Scriptures to my mind, again and again. He brought people to speak truth to me and shatter much of my wrong thinking. He brought books across my path that got me excited to serve the poor, and slowly He changed my heart and made me, believe it or not, excited to move to the ghetto.

Meanwhile, my hubs is not a ginormous over-processor like I am, so he was more like, “Hey, I think God wants us to do this, so let’s do it!” (I still marvel at this, and try to remember we’ve all got our strengths…for example, I can…err, fall asleep really quickly)

So, we decide, “Okay let’s do it! Let’s go for the Columbus job! We are both really excited about it…and then guess what happens?

All these saweeeet job offers start rollin’ in. Jobs that look so much better on paper, jobs that have built in ministry, jobs where we can see exactly how we could use our gifts, jobs super close to either friends or family, even jobs overseas (that in my mind, at the time, would have been easier than the U.S. ghetto).

And we are both thinking, “Seriously?”

Sooooo, we spend some time praying about each job. BUT after praying, we again feel like the Lord is leading us to Columbus and now more specifically, to definitely live in the poor neighborhood where the clinic is located.

We sign a contract and BAM, just like that, it’s a done deal.

Then, we just have to find a house. Now we were thinking, “Oh that shouldn’t be a big deal because the Lord wants us there, AND He’s already provided wonderful houses for us in the past.”

So, I make the Facebook announcement that we moving to Columbus. My Hubs graduates, we pack up a truck with all our earthly belongings, and we head to his parent’s house, without a place to live, but sure we will find something quickly.

We keep our stuff in the U-Haul truck for a few days and head up to Columbus which is about an hour away. We look for a house to rent in the specific neighborhood that we feel that God wants us to live in, and….

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Since it’s a rougher neighborhood, it quickly became clear that it was going to be difficult to find housing that was both big enough for our family and in fairly good condition.

After a few days of looking, we finally unpacked all of our boxes into my in-laws barn. (all our boxes under tarps because the roof leaks)


Over the next few weeks, we continued to look for housing and continued to dig through our boxes. My kids most commonly used phrase became, “When we get our stuff out of the boxes, then we can….”

We found several opportunities outside of the neighborhood, but again, we really felt like the Lord wanted us in this one neighborhood…so we turned them down.

Eventually, I talked to this guy about a house that I had seen on Facebook. I asked him if he would consider selling it to us, and he said he would get back to us.

Meanwhile, I had been praying about what to do with my oldest son (our quiet, timid, non-lover-of-change, son) who was supposed to start kindergarten in August…which at this point, was quickly approaching. We were trying to avoid starting him in a local school and then pulling him out a month later, moving, and then not sure about the next schooling option.

So by praying, “Anything God!” about his schooling, the Lord performed a miracle and changed this mama’s heart to even be willing to homeschool. I’m not against homeschooling, I just know it doesn’t line up with my particular skill set. However, thinking that was the best option at the time, I did my research, ordered the curriculum, and started to gear up for talk myself into, a year of homeschooling. Four kids at home, the oldest being 5 years old, the youngest being 6 months, I can TOTALLY do this, and it will be perfect with my super organized disorderly personality!

Then the owner of the house got back to us and said that he did not want to sell it. We were a little bummed, but kept looking.

Weeks go by.

One week away from the start of school, with no houses on the horizon, My Hubs and I email the owner of the house that we offered to buy, and ask if we could rent it. He quickly said that yes we could, however, we needed to wait until the current lease was up…which was the end of March.


Eight. Months. Away.

We talked it over and agreed to wait for the house. So, we met my son’s kindergarten teacher the next day, he started school three days after that, and he’s attending the same school My Hubs attended in elementary school. (which is pretty awesome)

Now, My Hubs is commuting about an hour each way, which isn’t as bad as we thought it would be, and we are living with his padres. …which if you are going to live with someone, it’s as ideal as you can get.

They have four bedrooms and a bath upstairs and their bedroom is downstairs AND they can’t even hear our kids crying or whining up there, which takes a HUGE weight off of me! They live on a beautiful farm and the kids can roam and play for hours.

Plus, my in-laws are crazy amazing, which makes the whole thing doable.

And so we find ourselves in a looooong transition.


Eight months. Did I mention that?

And honestly, we aren’t sure why we are here for this long, although I have my guesses.

Sometimes, I think it’s because of the mom who needs to know Jesus, whom I talk with every time I pick my son up from school. That wouldn’t be too crazy would it? Keeping our family here for 8 months for her? Actually to me, it sounds a little like what I know of God’s heart….leaving the ninety-nine to go after the one.

Sometimes, I think it’s because we are headed into some hard stuff. Maybe God knew we needed life to realllllllly sloooow dooooown.  Maybe this down time is for us to get our energy up, to draw even closer as a couple and family, to pray and to be still, before we head back into crazy life.

Sometimes, I think it’s because I had a lot of excuses to put things off (e.g. this blog), when we were really busy, so when I couldn’t use those excuses anymore, I just had to start doing those things.

Maybe someday we will look back and know exactly why we were here for 8 months and maybe we won’t. But for now, we are actually really enjoying it.

And even though there are still so many unknowns, like the fact that we are moving into a house that we’ve never actually stepped foot inside. We are moving to a neighborhood that we really don’t know that much about. We have no big or great plans, We aren’t super stars at living among the poor. But ya know what? It has been super clear that God wants us there, and THAT makes us really really excited.

So bring on the adventure! Well that is…in another 3.5 months. Ha!

Kids Advent Reading…Nailed It!

I ordered an advent story book for the kiddos and it came in the mail this week. I read it after they went to bed one night and I LOVED it. I seriously couldn’t wait to read it to them.

White Word Advent Means Christmas Time On Snow

So yesterday, once everyone was home from school, I turned on some Christmas music and let it play softly in the background. I had thought all day about reading them this book.

I imagined my sweet kiddos curled up around me on the couch, delighting in the pictures, waiting with bated breath for each turn of the page, and then happily surprised at the end to find out it was all about a precious baby boy (they like babies).

Instead, this is what happened…

My first born turned down the invitation to read with me, in order to continue lining up his trucks on the floor.

My daughter was too busy trying to mess up my son’s trucks to join me.

The baby was taking a nap, which was fine by me, because currently, all he wants to do is EAT books.

But my second born…my cuddler, he agreed and sat down beside me. I was happy with that, and thought maybe the other two would join us once they heard my exquisite storytelling.

I began to read in my best storyteller voice and I could tell my cuddler was really getting into it. By the fourth page my daughter came up behind the couch we were sitting on, stood on a chair, and shoved my cuddler in the back of the head so she could get a better view of the pictures. He squealed in anger and I pulled her over the back of the couch to sit on the other side of me. She of course, thought it was a game and ran around to do it again. Two year olds. So fun.

After the third time, I finally got her to sit beside me and we started reading again. Shockingly, we got two more pages read and my cuddler was still engaged and my daughter was quiet.

But then came sobbing from the other side of the room. My first born “can’t find his camo truck” and “has looked everywhere.” …which meant he hadn’t really looked anywhere. I told him to keep looking for it, and I read one more page before the sobbing grew louder.

I stopped and found the truck in 2.5 seconds. Imagine that, it was under the pillow next to all the other trucks.

I sat back down and I could tell that these two weren’t going to last much longer, so I ditched the good storyteller voice and replaced it with my Gilmore Girls impression, which is about two-thirds the speed of an auctioneer.

We were doing pretty well, when I started to feel my pant leg, feeling, well…soggy.

My daughter had peed on me.

Ugh, had I really forgotten to put a new pull-up on her after the last trip to the potty? Yes, yes, I had.

After we got, my daughter, the couch, and me, all cleaned up, my stubbornness started to really kick in…”We are Going to finish this book!”

So, we read the last couple pages, we finally got to Jesus and the manger, and just as we were about to talk about how HE is really the reason we celebrate Christmas, all the sudden my children became overcome with an insatiable hunger and needed.snacks.immediately.

And you know what? I was annoyed.

My initial thought was, “Oh well, maybe when they are older.” But as I continued to think about it over the next few minutes…as I handed out snacks, picked up clothes, changed diapers, I had another thought.

No, this is exactly what advent (the eager anticipation) and Christmas (the arrival) is all about…

Jesus, entering into our chaos.

That’s what makes it so incredible, the One who made us, came to live with us…in the craziness!

“Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage. Instead he emptied himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men.” (Philippians 2:5b-7)

So he came here, as a helpless baby, born in a smelly barn, where he slept in a trough with some hay.

It wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t Pinterest worthy.

But that humble, shoddy place, with that weak and weary mama, is the heart of Christmas, “God with Us” in our mess. …coming not to be served, but to serve. THAT is what I need to remember and what I want my kids to hear this year.

And those conversations are never planned or forced. No, those usually come on the ordinary days, when I least expect it, in the midst of the chaos.

Oh sweet Jesus, thank you for coming into our mess. You didn’t wait for us to “get it together” because you knew that would never happen. No, you came in our brokenness. While we were still sinners you came to live with us, and ultimately to die for us. It’s a gift I could never earn but can only humbly accept. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

song of the stars

(“Advent” photo via and Song of the Stars photo was created at