Quick Life Update

A few different people have asked me recently if I’m ever going to post on my blog again. To which I replied,

“Blog? What blog?”

I guess that digging myself out from under moving boxes and trying to homeschool the youngins, shoved me right off the ole’ blog train.


I can tell in the last week or so that I might be ready to resurface…reply to a few emails and texts, have some people over for play dates, and write a blog post or two.

So, for all you wondering (and those who aren’t, but for some reason continue to read on…), I will give you a quick life update.

Last week, I was writing in my prayer journal and I flipped to a page from February of 2015. I had the following prayer requests written down… (ignore my kindergarten handwriting)


We were still living in Tulsa at the time, and My Hubs was finishing up his last few months of residency. All we knew at the time, was that he was going to work at a health clinic in a low-income neighborhood, and we felt like the Lord wanted us to live in that same neighborhood.

Looking back now, the timing of everything definitely didn’t go as I initially thought it would. Instead of a “yes” or “no” the Lord seemed to be saying, “Wait, wait, wait.” for quite awhile. But then, all the sudden in the last couple months, I’ve seen all these prayers answered, and each one above and beyond what I hoped they would be!

First, our house. When we looked and looked and looked for a house in Franklinton last year and couldn’t find much, we decided to wait for 9 months to rent a house based on some pictures we had seen. We literally had never set foot inside the house, we just hoped the pictures were semi-accurate and semi-recent! We also signed a two year lease on this unseen house!

So it wasn’t until the day we showed up to get the keys that we got to actually see whether the house looked anything like the pictures (which it does!) and what was behind all those doors in the pictures we had looked at for nine months (closets, they are all closets!).

The house is pretty neat and our kids are loving it. We all have our favorite things about the house, but here are a few of my favorites…

The Fridge.


Since we’ve been married, I have been taller than all of the refrigerators we’ve had in our apartments/houses. Not a big deal, but I’m LOVING the extra space in this bad boy. Also, ever since I was in elementary school I’ve always wanted a fridge with a water dispenser (I know, I know, big dreams over here) and now I have one…and it’s awesome!

Also, I’m kinda in love with the mudroom…


A place for shoes, and backpacks, and sunscreen, and umbrellas, and gloves, and hats, and just all that crazy stuff that 6 people bring into a house??!!??

Um. Yes please.

(note: clearly this is before we junkified it)

Second, I was praying for our oldest kiddo and school. We really wanted him to go to the local public school if possible. However, once we got here we found out that A) the elementary school we thought he would go to closed down and was combined with the middle school and B) the new combined school is considered by the state to be a failing school and has been failing for long enough that the state offers either bussing transportation to charter schools and/or financial assistance for private schools. So after talking to different people, as well as, just knowing our kiddo, we decided that it just wasn’t the best for him (at this point), to send him to the local public school.

After calling many schools and finding many classes were already full for next year, we were able to find a spot for him in a school about 15 minutes away. We are excited about it and feel like it will be a really great fit for him. Also, his brochacho will go to preschool across the hall from him, which they are both pretty stoked about.

Third, and if you read my note in my journal, you can see that I thought finding friends in the neighborhood, with a heart for the neighborhood would be really hard to find.

However, I was dead wrong. First of all, we have already met so many amazing people here. But one family in particular, who just so happens to have four kiddos the exact same ages as ours, have overlooked how weird we are, and have befriended us. We are so abundantly thankful for them and the wealth of information they have passed our way. Apparently, not as “outlandish” as I thought it would be.

Sooooo, that’s the big stuff with us. We are finally here. We aren’t sure what the Lord has for us yet, but luckily He is in charge of the details and we will just try and say, “yes” to what He brings along.

Oh, and there’s also a pretty strong Christian presence in the neighborhood, which as I’ve mentioned before, is great because we are all about serving and ministering to people as a TEAM. Honestly, we are kinda lame by ourselves.

Anyway, I know so so so many of you have prayed with us and for us, over the last year and a half, and we want to say thank you! We have definitely seen the Lord work and move in and around us.

One last thing, we are just three minutes off of I-70 if any of you want to come visit. (hint, hint)

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