Moving: The Final Countdown



Well folks, I can hardly believe it but after 9 months we are finally moving to Columbus this next week! We get the keys tomorrow, we have a truck ready to go for Saturday, and then later next week we will officially be sleeping in our new house (well, new to us)!

I’m. so. excited.

When we packed our boxes and loaded our truck last July, we only expected to be living with my in-laws for a few weeks, maybe a month or two. We were also in a pretty big hurry when we were packing, so we weren’t super thoughtful about where, um, we put everything.

All that to say, there’s A LOT of our stuff that I haven’t seen since last July. Whenever we can’t find something we just say, “Oh well, it’s in a box…somewhere!”

I’ve gotten along pretty well, but I decided this last week that there are three specific things that I can’t wait to find in our boxes.

Numero uno – I can’t wait to find my socks. When we moved last July, it was 95+ degrees every single day in Tulsa. I was NOT thinking about winter socks. I threw 5 or 6 pairs of athletic ankle socks in my suitcase to bring out to Ohio, and besides three longer pairs that I bought on sale, that’s what I wore all winter…and it was lame. Should I have just gone out and bought more socks when late December rolled around? Probably. But I did not. And thus I had cold ankles and lower legs all winter.

Numero dos – I can’t wait to use my own mugs. If you drink coffee or tea every morning, you probably have a favorite mug or two. Whether it’s because the handle fits your hand just right, or it holds just the right amount, or it just looks awesome and brings you warm feelings or memories, it’s your fav and you use it over and over again. I have been using my mother-in-laws mugs for the last nine months. Her mugs say “tea” all over them and I’ve been using them to drink my coffee each morning. …I probably don’t have to tell you, but something about that just doesn’t feel right.

Numero tres – I can’t wait to use my own bed sheets. A couple years ago, we needed new sheets and My Hubs used his birthday money to get us these nice bamboo sheets. They. Are. Awesome. Since then, there have only been a handful of nights that we haven’t crawled into bed and discussed how crazy amazing those sheets feel. I can’t wait to bust them out when we move.

The kids are also super excited to unpack all their books and toys.

You know how when kids get something new for their birthday or Christmas and you get at least 4 to 5 days of an eerily quiet house because they are off playing with their new toys?

Yeah, I love that too.

So, I think I am going to take my time unpacking their toys and try to keep that magic going as long as possible!

I’m also really looking forward to this next phase for us. I’m so excited to see what God has for us in the poor neighborhood that we will be moving into.

At the same time, if I’m honest, I’m also a little nervous about some things…

-I’m a little nervous to have all four kiddos at home ALL day, while simultaneously trying to homeschool the rest of the school year with my oldest two…

-I’m a little nervous to see just how “rough” this neighborhood really is…

-I’m a little nervous to look for churches with four little kiddos who aren’t exactly the most outgoing…

But ya know what?

I can worry about what I don’t know OR I can choose to look back and remember the faithfulness of the Lord throughout all the different transitions we’ve had thus far. Because truthfully, I can look back at every single move or transition and see God all over the small details and the big decisions.

So, I have no doubt that He will help me with my time management with the kiddos, give me a love and excitement to serve our neighbors, and help our family find a church.

One thought on “Moving: The Final Countdown

  1. My current life verse: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.”


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